Kimberlybretz's Blog

Is running an art form?

Okay, I might be a little out there on this one but try to follow!

I just got back from walking in the park (8miles, but it was just walking). I usually go tuesday mornings with my friend but today I was walking solo. I forgot my I-pod and consequentially I was bored. Well being a natural people watcher I began to notice different types of running forms. I think some of the forms had to do with age, but other than that I am not sure why some people run differently than others?! I think some people try to run in a more elegant and professional way, while others just run however is best for them.

This then led me to think about running as a moving art form. And subsequently walking as an art form. And therefore just simple, plain movement as an art form– Lets face it, some people have natural grace while others do not. However, many people try (and sometimes train) to walk and move more aesthetically pleasing. . .

These are all just questions and ideas I thought of while walking in the park and observing people. I’m not saying running/walking is or isn’t an art form, I am more so just taking a deeper look into how we move and if it has any psychological or societal meaning. Just curious!

Pondering such things also makes us think about what art is and what art isn’t… where is the line drawn between what is an art form and what is not. Is sleeping an art form? Is eating an art form? talking? Reading? Smiling? Texting? Driving?

just something to think about =)

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